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Bring home souvenirs from your vacation this summer NOT infections.

By Cheril Lee

Omaha, NE – Summer is the time for vacations and for some, that means travel. Dr. Marvin Bittner of Creighton University says people who are traveling overseas this summer need to be aware of more than just the current exchange rate. He says it's okay to bring back souvenirs, but no one wants to bring back an infection.

Dr. Bittner says it's a good idea to make sure you have all the appropriate vaccinations before you leave home. He says some diseases we don't see very much in the U.S. may be prevalent abroad, so it's important to be up to date on your routine immunizations. He says there's a lot you can do to keep yourself healthy while you travel.

Dr. Bittner says, "There are a lot of things that are important to your health. They're not required by any border guards but they are very important. So if you're going to a place that does have malaria, it's important to take precautions."

The best place to find out which immunizations you will need is online at