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Corps gives monthly Missouri River Basin water management update

During the Corps’ monthly call with media, Jody Farhat, Chief of the Missouri River Basin Water Management Division, gave an update on current reservoir operations. 

She talked about the Corps’ runoff forecast for 2016 and the planned regulation of the reservoir system. 

Farhat said runoff in 2015 was very near average, although the timing and distribution was not.  She said flood control remains the Corps’ primary consideration as we move into 2016.

"Releases from the mainstem reservoirs are being adjusted to evacuate the remainder of the water stored in the annual flood control zone and prepare the reservoir system for the 2016 runoff season.  Floods can and will occur regardless of basin conditions including ice-induced flooding during the winter.  Flooding during the spring and summer due to thunderstorms, particularly along the lower Missouri river basin, which cannot be mitigated by  operation of the mainstem reservoirs."

Farhat said Gavins Point releases will increase this month from 17,000 to 24,000 cubic feet per second.  She said that will ensure that the full flood storage is available to start the 2016 runoff season.

The Corps’ January runoff and reservoir regulation forecast are available online at